Classification and types of nail fungus on the feet - treatment options

A fungal infection of the nails spreads legs now wide. There are different types of nail fungus on the feet, and the treatment depends on the type of pathogen. The cause of the disease is not in the lack of Hygiene, but the fact that many are forced, throughout the working day in the shoes.

The basic symptoms and photos of onychomycosis

The essence of the contagion, and the development of the disease is fungal spores in contact with the skin of the fusohle. Microorganisms penetrate damaged in various cracks, unevenness, roughness,. In almost all cases, a fungus on the nails, the acquire start immediately unhealthy appearance.

The main types of

Itching, change in the nail plate are common signs of the disease, which is marked in all its forms. There are more specific characteristics depending on the type of pathogen. So, what types of mushrooms are there?

Skin fungus is confirmed

This Form develops in contact with the pathogen, Trichophyton, Microsporum, and yeast.

The person is faced with the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of the gray, yellow stripes on the plates. First patch step on a nail, and gradually to the adjacent;
  • Nail gradually starts behind the bed.

Fungal species

Mold is able to beat not only the products, but also skin and nails of the people. The main symptom of this Form of fungal diseases is a change in the color.

With a healthy pink hue, you will be unpleasant black, brown or green. Not less than most common Symptom is the appearance of black dots, spots is.

Launched in the Form of the fungus


Appears to be due to the infection by the fungus Candida. A negative characteristic is to be an end to the high probability of complete defeat. Among the most important symptoms:

  1. The surface of the nails is much thinner, causing them to break faster.
  2. Nail plate to change in color and structure.
  3. With the development of the disease is greater spalling observed.
  4. Fingers are constantly swollen, red purchase.

This infection spreads due to moisture. For this reason, it is important to follow certain precautionary measures when visiting swimming pools, saunas, public showers.

Classification according to the stages of development

A possible effective treatment, you must specify the doctor, what degree of development reached by the disease, i.e., competent to determine the stage of the fungus on the legs. With the development of the infection pathology begins not only to the adjacent nails, but also on the skin, by on the whole foot.

Surgical Treatment

Forms of the disease on the basis of the Phase of the development:

  1. Normotrofičeskaâ, in which a change in the color of the nails, the stripes, but the shape does not change. This is the first Phase of the infection.
  2. Hypertrophic, in which the nail changes even. It will break very easily, thin, thus, brings the patient great inconvenience.
  3. Atrophic. The record in this case, it is clear dims thinner, it changes the shape of the nail bends and is quickly destroyed. In this Phase, the plate of the nail starts from the Lodge. The treatment here is quite difficult, as the disease begins to be a continuous Form.

Professional Therapy

Get rid of the disease only by a competent therapy can. It depends on the type of fungus and is on the stage of the disease.

The doctor performs a medical professional investigation, determined the Form and nature of the fungus, studied the individual peculiarities of the organism and waste treatment rubs.

Selecting Schemas

The medicine offers three basic scheme of the treatment System, a comprehensive and therapy of external resources. In the first case, the use of medication in the Form of tablets or capsules. Many of them have a large number of side effects.

In the case of adjuvant therapy, the treatment is not only pills, but also local drugs. In the outdoor area, a minimal number of side-effects marks, as this scheme is preferable.

An important point to topical treatment – it helps only in the early stages of the disease, i.e. if at least one-third of the nail plate and no more than two toes.


During the treatment of almost all stages and in all forms of the other Plan, external treatment methods assigned to it. It comes to creams, paints and solutions. The paints will only work on nail fungus on the feet, without affecting the adjacent tissue.

The outer treatments various creams are is often. They are not only effective to eliminate all the pathological symptoms, but also soften and moisturize the nails, reducing the indicators of discomfort. Regardless of the chosen method of treatment of a fungus and of the drug, it is very important to follow the instructions of the specialists and the medications. Only in this way, it is possible that a maximum of a positive result of the treatment. To make only way to remedy the anti-fungal effect and an optimal antibacterial effect.

The number of applications and technologies depends on the drug itself, but also on the nature of the fungus, and the Form of its development. In General, there are two–three times a day.

If you witness an external agent for the treatment of mildew, prior to each application, the shoot is with the help of special tools callused areas. It is the ability of the drug increases, eloquent, helps a lot faster to a positive effect, regardless of the type of the fungus.

In summary,

The total duration of therapy of the fungus in the average is 6 months, and only after an increase in healthy updated nail plate was. On a similar result of treatment in the rule does not end, it must continue as long as no lasting effect is achieved and is not possible to completely prevent relapse.